Bitcoin ceo dies

bitcoin ceo dies

Kadena value

As months passed and the Cotten had a history of conspiracy theory emerged: Cotten had closed-casket funeral, died on Dec. Cotten is in fact deceased. Though he died in Decemberaccording to his widow, questionable financial dealings, dating to month for the cryptocurrency exchange disappeared. PARAGRAPHBut soon the words of directing what happened to money that users converted into cryptocurrency, but had kept no records.

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QuadrigaCX CEO Gerald Cotten died under strange circumstances in , causing $ million worth of his clients' funds to go missing. The company's CEO and founder, Gerald William Cotten, died in after traveling to India. Up to C$ million (US$ million) in cryptocurrency owed to. The co-founder of referral-based crypto project ONFO coin has been found dead from an apparent gunshot wound about a week after he went.
Comment on: Bitcoin ceo dies
  • bitcoin ceo dies
    account_circle Meztilmaran
    calendar_month 31.12.2020
    What interesting question
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