Coinbase revenue growth

coinbase revenue growth

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PARAGRAPHYahoo Finance. Total Cash Per Share mrq. Last Split Date 3. Trailing Annual Dividend Yield 3. Shares Short Jan 12, 4. Shares Short prior month Dec.

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Coinbase reported revenue of $ million in the second quarter, beating estimates of $ million, according to Refinitiv data. Advertisement. Coinbase generated $ billion in , a % decline from � Coinbase has 98 million users worldwide and nine million people actively exchange every. In the year , Coinbase had annual revenue of $B, a decrease of %. Revenue (ttm). $B. Revenue Growth. %. P/S Ratio.
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The Most Accurate Estimate is higher than the Zacks Consensus Estimate, suggesting that analysts have recently become bullish on the company's earnings prospects. Accessed: February 10, Coinbase Revenue and Usage Statistics The consensus EPS estimate for the quarter has been revised